Monday, December 27, 2010

missing: summer

happy much love monday:)

loving: looking at my pictures from summer ♥  short  bangs ♥ Seattle adventures ♥ blogging friends ♥ my new camera ♥ anticipating adventures ♥ mutual dislikes of annoying people ♥ feeling like a secret club ♥ dreams about Joseph Gordon-Levitt loving me:) ♥ my brother acknowledging the premonition I had of him marrying Zooey Deschanel ♥ massive books of Fox Trot comics ♥ the possibilities in a blank sketchbook ♥ Marc Johns shirts ♥ sweaters inherited from my brother ♥ horcruxes ♥ thinking about old friends ♥ rereading my favorite books ♥ giving the perfect gift ♥ playing with my food ♥ leftovers ♥ having a whole slew of new movies ♥ the fourth season of Boy Meets World ♥ making snowflakes out of old Seventeen magazine pages with my brother ♥ elfing my house with said snowflakes ♥ pineapple chap stick ♥ peach chap stick gifts ♥ getting a letter from a new missionary ♥ writing a new missionary a letter ♥ plaid paper ties ♥ ignoring homework assigned over the break ♥ reading a book about cake that turns out to be the trippiest book I've ever read ♥ Narrow Stairs ♥

2 thoughts:

Nicole Jeannette December 27, 2010 at 8:01 PM  

What cute pictures!

The Lovely Day December 27, 2010 at 11:07 PM  

Oh my goodness, I love these pictures! And your list. I agree, Much Love Mondays are the best.

Also, I really love your header! But if you must change it, you should have something more...wintery. But that's just my opinion :)

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